Tuesday, February 8, 2011

What Are Premium Letter Domain Names

Premium Domain

Domain Auction

Bido Premium


Domain Name Generator

Wibil Domain Premium

Premium Domains
A domain name is made up of a combination of letters, numbers or sometimes even both. Your business can do better with a good domain name. It could be your brand, written on your letterheads, business cards, advertisements, on your vehicles, carrier bags, promotional giveaways etc.  A long or complicated domain name makes it hard for people to type, memorize and share through word of mouth. The longer the domain name the more prone to typing errors as well. A short domain name on the other hand is easy to remember and provides an essential tool for marketing and brand building. For example eBay, xBox, iPod, Hulu, Bebo, Tivo, Bing.

Premium letters are needed to evaluate a domain name.  If domain names are short like 2, 3, 4 or 5 characters in length domainers apply a number of methods to put a value on a domain name which is not a dictionary word. On the other hand, when a domain name is made up of random letters that do not form any words in the English dictionary it can be very difficult to find out their worth.

1. Premium letters include those letters which appear at the start of most of the words in an English dictionary. For example A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, L, M, N, O, P, R, S, T.
2. Semi premium letters include those letters which are of lesser quality than premium letters because using the letters you can create less words. For example J, K, U, V, W.
3. Anti premium letters include those letters which are of the lowest quality out of all the letters in the alphabet when you consider the number of words that can be made using any of those as the starting letter. For example Q, X, Y, Z.

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