I LOVE my family!
I haven't posted on here in a few days because my sister, my brother-in-law, and my stunningly BEAUTIFUL nieces (both under the age of 2) were here to visit! It was an absolutely amazing time. It was the first time I met my youngest niece and when I say that their names is just the beginning of their adorable-ness, I'm not kidding. They're GORGEOUS! I wish they'd never left, or at least would come back next weekend. But it's not just about how cute they are; they're sweet, lovable, fun, intelligent, generous,....and the list goes on and on. Of course it was wonderful to visit with my sister and her husband, too. Oh, how I miss them already.
You see, family is very important to me, and becomes even more so with every passing year (so I've noticed). It's actually the ONE thing that I KNOW will be extremely difficult to live without while I'm in Brazil. I can do without peanut butter, Oprah, my trashy MTV and VH1 shows, and all of the luxuries of the "first world", but I will miss my family beyond belief. In the first place, it was difficult for me to tell them that I wanted to move abroad, though it wasn't a surprise to them. I knew they didn't want to hear it; I know they don't want us to leave. But I feel that they try to understand. For instance, once I knew I was going to apply for a job in Brazil (even when I wasn't sure there'd even be a vacancy for me, let alone an opportunity) I started leaving hints and "reminding" them that we planned to move back to Brazil anyway. But they already knew, and almost understood. I mean, I've been back and forth between South America and the U.S. since I graduated from high school. But still, I realize that it's a difficult reality to accept from your loved one. I know they'll miss us and we'll desperately miss them, but I still want to go to Brazil and we just have to accept the fact that we're moving and that it may be indefinitely. As a result, I have purposely searched, found, and accepted a job that pays a higher salary than the one I have now and that will pay for my airfare back to the U.S. when my contract ends (which can be extended again and again....). I will make it a priority to come back to the U.S. to visit my family as often as I can, and to encourage them to go to Brazil to visit us. They know this and it consoles us (even if only a little). I am blessed to have a neverending support system and a family that has always encouraged and supported me. My mom is my inspiration, my idol, and my rock. My stepdad is the father that I never had, and my sisters are my world. I'm one lucky girl...that's for sure.
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