It's May Day. The first day of May. International Worker's Day. Labour Day.
May Day, being the start of the month of May, means that we are probably "out" in about 10 weeks. I can't believe it! I remember when the job was offered to me back in December - more than 8 months ago. Time really does fly. A lot has happened since the end of 2010. Not only in my personal life, but at work and school, too.
A friend of mine was telling me just last night about all of the bad luck she has been having recently, and as my heart goes out to her, it also reminds me of what has been going right for us. I feel for her, but I am reminded that I need to be thankful for what I have and for the "luck" that we've had over the past few months.
I've almost finished my first and last school year at my "new" school. This means I've survived!! I have completed graduate school and will graduate at the end of the week (woo hoo!!). E got his U.S. citizenship and will receive his certificate from his ESOL class this week (which will be of value in Brazil). With that being said, life for us in the U.S. together has not always been a walk in the park. It's been a rocky road. However, I'm choosing not to focus on the negative or the hardships we've had, and to stay positive and be grateful for all that we have accomplished over the last few months, and years.
With the short amount of time left, we need to really hussle to make sure our move will be as smooth as possible. I'm not going to bore you again with all of the details and lists of what I need to get done before we leave because I've done that before. It's just a reminder, in print, that we still have a lot to do before our departure date.
What I do want to do is show gratitude for what we have, and the opportunity that I was given to follow my dream of teaching abroad (again). For the past I-don't-know-how-many-years, I've been wanting to return to South America, or go somewhere new, to teach. I have been granted this chance and will be embarking on the journey in about 2 months.
To the month of May, welcome...
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